Is Bootstrap.min.js CSP Compatible? A Comprehensive Guide
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Is Bootstrap.min.js CSP Compatible? A Comprehensive Guide

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Content Security Policy (CSP) is a powerful security feature that helps protect your website from various types of attacks, including cross-site scripting (XSS) and code injection. As a web developer, you’re probably using Bootstrap in your project, and you might be wondering: “Is bootstrap.min.js CSP compatible?” In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of CSP and Bootstrap, and provide you with clear and direct instructions on how to make them work together seamlessly.

What is Content Security Policy (CSP)?

Content Security Policy is a security feature that allows you to define which sources of content are allowed to be executed within a web page. It’s a powerful tool that helps prevent XSS attacks, which occur when an attacker injects malicious code into your website. By defining a CSP, you can specify which scripts, styles, and images are allowed to be loaded, and from which sources.

How Does CSP Work?

CSP works by adding a special HTTP header to your web page, which defines the policy. The policy is a set of rules that specify which sources are allowed to be loaded. For example, you can specify that only scripts from a specific domain are allowed to be executed, or that only styles from a specific CDN are allowed to be loaded.

Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; img-src 'self'

In this example, the CSP policy allows scripts to be loaded from the same origin (‘self’) and from the specified CDN, styles to be loaded from the same origin and from Google Fonts, and images to be loaded from the same origin and from the specified image CDN.

What is Bootstrap.min.js?

Bootstrap.min.js is a popular front-end framework that provides a set of pre-built UI components and plugins to build responsive web applications. It’s a JavaScript file that’s typically loaded into your web page to provide the Bootstrap functionality.

Is Bootstrap.min.js CSP Compatible?

The short answer is: it depends. Bootstrap.min.js can be CSP compatible, but it requires some configuration and tweaking. By default, Bootstrap.min.js includes some inline scripts and eval() functions, which are not allowed by CSP.

How to Make Bootstrap.min.js CSP Compatible?

There are a few ways to make Bootstrap.min.js CSP compatible:

Method 1: Use a Non- Minified Version of Bootstrap

One way to make Bootstrap.min.js CSP compatible is to use a non-minified version of Bootstrap. This is because the non-minified version doesn’t include any inline scripts or eval() functions that are not allowed by CSP.

<script src=""></script>

However, using a non-minified version of Bootstrap can increase the page load time, since it’s a larger file.

Method 2: Use a CSP-Friendly Version of Bootstrap

Bootstrap provides a CSP-friendly version of the JavaScript file, which can be loaded from a CDN.

<script src="[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.csp.js"></script>

This version of Bootstrap is specifically designed to work with CSP, and it doesn’t include any inline scripts or eval() functions.

Method 3: Use aCustom Bootstrap Build

Another way to make Bootstrap.min.js CSP compatible is to create a custom build of Bootstrap that excludes the problematic code. You can use the Bootstrap build tool to create a custom build that doesn’t include inline scripts or eval() functions.

  (function ($) {
    // Bootstrap code here

This method requires some knowledge of Bootstrap’s build process and requires you to create a custom build of Bootstrap.

Best Practices for Using Bootstrap with CSP

Here are some best practices for using Bootstrap with CSP:

  • Use a CSP-friendly version of Bootstrap, such as the one provided by the Bootstrap team.
  • Avoid using inline scripts and eval() functions in your code.
  • Define a strict CSP policy that specifies which sources are allowed to be loaded.
  • Test your CSP policy thoroughly to ensure it doesn’t break any functionality.
  • Use a Content Security Policy (CSP) generator tool to help you generate a CSP policy.


In conclusion, Bootstrap.min.js can be CSP compatible, but it requires some configuration and tweaking. By using a non-minified version of Bootstrap, a CSP-friendly version of Bootstrap, or creating a custom build of Bootstrap, you can make Bootstrap.min.js work with CSP. Remember to follow best practices for using Bootstrap with CSP, such as defining a strict CSP policy and testing it thoroughly. With the right approach, you can enjoy the benefits of Bootstrap while keeping your website secure with CSP.

Method Description
Method 1: Use a Non-Minified Version of Bootstrap Use a non-minified version of Bootstrap, which doesn’t include inline scripts or eval() functions.
Method 2: Use a CSP-Friendly Version of Bootstrap Use a CSP-friendly version of Bootstrap, which is specifically designed to work with CSP.
Method 3: Use a Custom Bootstrap Build Create a custom build of Bootstrap that excludes inline scripts or eval() functions.

This article has covered the topic of Bootstrap.min.js and CSP compatibility comprehensively. By following the instructions and best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure that your website is secure and Bootstrap-compatible.


Q: What is Content Security Policy (CSP)?

A: Content Security Policy is a security feature that allows you to define which sources of content are allowed to be executed within a web page.

Q: Is Bootstrap.min.js CSP compatible?

A: Bootstrap.min.js can be CSP compatible, but it requires some configuration and tweaking.

Q: How do I make Bootstrap.min.js CSP compatible?

A: You can make Bootstrap.min.js CSP compatible by using a non-minified version of Bootstrap, a CSP-friendly version of Bootstrap, or creating a custom build of Bootstrap.

Q: What are the best practices for using Bootstrap with CSP?

A: The best practices for using Bootstrap with CSP include using a CSP-friendly version of Bootstrap, avoiding inline scripts and eval() functions, defining a strict CSP policy, and testing it thoroughly.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Frequently Asked Question

What is CSP, and why is it important for Bootstrap?

CSP stands for Content Security Policy, a security feature that helps prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks by defining which sources of content are allowed to be executed within a web page. It’s essential for Bootstrap because it ensures the framework’s scripts and styles are loaded safely, reducing the risk of malicious code injection.

Is bootstrap.min.js CSP compatible out of the box?

No, bootstrap.min.js is not CSP compatible by default. It uses eval() and new Function() constructs, which are blocked by CSP policies. However, you can modify the script to make it CSP compliant.

How can I make bootstrap.min.js CSP compatible?

You can modify the bootstrap.min.js file to replace the eval() and new Function() constructs with CSP-compatible alternatives. Alternatively, you can use a CSP-compatible version of Bootstrap, such as Bootstrap’s CSP-compliant build, or a third-party library that provides a CSP-compatible implementation of Bootstrap.

What are the implications of not making bootstrap.min.js CSP compatible?

If you don’t make bootstrap.min.js CSP compatible, you may encounter errors or issues with your web application, such as script blocking or failure to load. This can lead to a poor user experience, reduced security, and potential vulnerabilities.

Are there any workarounds for using bootstrap.min.js with CSP enabled?

Yes, you can use workarounds such as setting the script-src policy to allow eval and unsafe-inline, or using a nonce or hash to allow specific scripts. However, these workarounds may reduce the security benefits of CSP, so it’s recommended to modify the bootstrap.min.js file or use a CSP-compatible version instead.

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