Mastering Custom Lifecycle Listeners in Expo Native Modules: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Kalidas -

Mastering Custom Lifecycle Listeners in Expo Native Modules: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of feeling lost in the wilderness of Expo native modules, struggling to tie your custom lifecycle listener into your main module? Fear not, brave developer! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, providing clear and direct instructions to get you up and running in no time.

What is a Custom Lifecycle Listener?

A custom lifecycle listener is a powerful tool that allows you to execute custom code at specific points in the lifecycle of your Expo native module. Whether you need to perform setup or teardown tasks, a custom lifecycle listener is the perfect solution. But, how do you tie it into your main module? That’s what we’re here to explore.


Before we dive in, make sure you have the following:

  • A basic understanding of Expo and native modules
  • A functional Expo project with a native module
  • A desire to learn and conquer custom lifecycle listeners!

Step 1: Create a New Custom Lifecycle Listener

In your native module, create a new file called `` (or `CustomLifecycleListener.swift` if you’re using Swift). This file will contain the code for your custom lifecycle listener.

import expo.modules.core.Module;
import expo.modules.core.ModuleRegistry;
import expo.modules.core.interfaces.ModuleLifecycleListener;

public class CustomLifecycleListener implements ModuleLifecycleListener {
  public void onModuleCreate(Module module) {
    // Code to be executed when the module is created

  public void onModuleDestroy(Module module) {
    // Code to be executed when the module is destroyed

  public void onModuleResume(Module module) {
    // Code to be executed when the module is resumed

  public void onModulePause(Module module) {
    // Code to be executed when the module is paused

In this example, we’re implementing the `ModuleLifecycleListener` interface, which requires us to override four methods: `onModuleCreate`, `onModuleDestroy`, `onModuleResume`, and `onModulePause`. These methods will be called at specific points in the lifecycle of your native module.

Step 2: Register the Custom Lifecycle Listener

Now that we have our custom lifecycle listener, we need to register it with the module registry. In your native module’s `` file (or `Module.swift` file), add the following code:

import expo.modules.core.ModuleRegistry;
import CustomLifecycleListener;

public class MyModule extends Module {
  public void create(ModuleRegistry registry) {
    registry.registerLifecycleListener(new CustomLifecycleListener());

In this example, we’re registering the `CustomLifecycleListener` instance with the module registry using the `registerLifecycleListener` method.

Step 3: Tie the Custom Lifecycle Listener into Your Main Module

Now that we have our custom lifecycle listener registered, we need to tie it into our main module. In your main module’s `` file (or `MainApplication.swift` file), add the following code:

import expo.modules.core.ModuleRegistry;
import MyModule;

public class MainApplication extends Application {
  public void onCreate() {
    ModuleRegistry registry = ModuleRegistry.getModuleRegistry();

In this example, we’re getting a reference to the module registry and then calling the `create` method on our native module (`MyModule`). This will trigger the registration of our custom lifecycle listener.

Step 4: Verify Your Custom Lifecycle Listener

Finally, let’s verify that our custom lifecycle listener is working as expected. Add some logging or debugging statements to your custom lifecycle listener methods to verify that they’re being called at the correct points in the lifecycle of your native module.

public class CustomLifecycleListener implements ModuleLifecycleListener {
  public void onModuleCreate(Module module) {
    Log.d("CustomLifecycleListener", "onModuleCreate called!");

  public void onModuleDestroy(Module module) {
    Log.d("CustomLifecycleListener", "onModuleDestroy called!");

  public void onModuleResume(Module module) {
    Log.d("CustomLifecycleListener", "onModuleResume called!");

  public void onModulePause(Module module) {
    Log.d("CustomLifecycleListener", "onModulePause called!");

Run your Expo project and verify that the logging statements are being executed at the correct points in the lifecycle of your native module.


And that’s it! You’ve successfully tied a custom lifecycle listener into your main module using Expo native modules. With this powerful tool, you can execute custom code at specific points in the lifecycle of your native module, giving you greater control and flexibility over your app’s behavior.

Remember to keep your custom lifecycle listener lightweight and efficient, as it will be executed at critical points in your app’s lifecycle. By following these steps and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to mastering custom lifecycle listeners in Expo native modules.

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

If you’re experiencing issues with your custom lifecycle listener, here are some common pitfalls to watch out for:

  • Make sure your custom lifecycle listener is registered correctly with the module registry.
  • Verify that your native module is being created and destroyed correctly.
  • Check that your custom lifecycle listener is not executing code that blocks the main thread.

Best Practices

When working with custom lifecycle listeners, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Keep your custom lifecycle listener lightweight and efficient.
  • Avoid executing code that blocks the main thread.
  • Use logging and debugging statements to verify that your custom lifecycle listener is working correctly.
Method Description
onModuleCreate Called when the module is created.
onModuleDestroy Called when the module is destroyed.
onModuleResume Called when the module is resumed.
onModulePause Called when the module is paused.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you master custom lifecycle listeners in Expo native modules. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How do I tie a custom lifecycle listener in expo native modules into my main module?”

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most commonly asked questions about tying a custom lifecycle listener in Expo native modules into your main module.

What is a custom lifecycle listener and why do I need it in my Expo app?

A custom lifecycle listener is a way to hook into the native module lifecycle events, such as when the app is paused or resumed. You need it to perform custom actions at specific points in your app’s lifecycle, like saving or loading data when the app is paused or resumed.

How do I create a custom lifecycle listener in Expo native modules?

To create a custom lifecycle listener, you need to create a new native module in your Expo project and define the listener functions for the lifecycle events you’re interested in. Then, in your main module, import the native module and add the listener functions to the native module instance.

How do I tie the custom lifecycle listener to my main module in Expo?

To tie the custom lifecycle listener to your main module, you need to import the native module in your main module and add the listener functions to the native module instance. Then, you can call the listener functions in your main module code to perform custom actions when the lifecycle events occur.

Can I use a third-party library to simplify the process of creating and tying a custom lifecycle listener in Expo?

Yes, there are third-party libraries available that provide pre-built lifecycle listeners for Expo native modules. These libraries can simplify the process of creating and tying a custom lifecycle listener to your main module. However, be sure to review the library’s documentation and code to ensure it meets your specific needs.

What are some common use cases for custom lifecycle listeners in Expo native modules?

Common use cases for custom lifecycle listeners in Expo native modules include saving or loading data when the app is paused or resumed, handling authentication or authorization when the app is started or stopped, and performing custom logging or analytics when the app is launched or terminated.

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