Renaming .data to .rodata using objcopy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Filling Your Output with Zeros
Image by Kalidas -

Renaming .data to .rodata using objcopy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Filling Your Output with Zeros

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky `.data` sections in your object files? Do you want to take control of your code’s memory layout and ensure that your read-only data stays read-only? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to rename `.data` to `.rodata` using the powerful `objcopy` tool. But be warned: this technique comes with a side effect – your output will be filled with zeros.

What is .data and .rodata?

Before we dive into the meat of the article, let’s take a quick look at what `.data` and `.rodata` are.

  • .data: The `.data` section of an object file contains initialized data, which means it’s data that’s been assigned a value by the programmer. This can include variables, constants, and even code that needs to be executed.
  • .rodata: The `.rodata` section, on the other hand, contains read-only data. This is data that’s initialized once and never changed again during the execution of the program. Think of it as “read-only” – hence the name!

Why Rename .data to .rodata?

So, why would you want to rename `.data` to `.rodata` in the first place? There are several reasons:

  • Memory efficiency: By marking data as read-only, you can reduce the memory footprint of your program, making it more efficient and lightweight.
  • Security: Read-only data is less susceptible to tampering or modification by malicious actors.
  • Code organization: Separating read-only data from initialized data helps keep your code organized and easier to maintain.

Using objcopy to Rename .data to .rodata

Now that we’ve covered the what and why, let’s get to the how. The `objcopy` tool is part of the GNU Binutils package and is used to copy and modify object files. To rename `.data` to `.rodata`, you’ll need to use the following command:

objcopy --rename-section .data=.rodata  

Replace `` with the name of your object file, and `` with the desired name of the modified file.

Example Time!

Let’s say you have an object file called `example.o` that contains a `.data` section. You want to rename it to `.rodata` and save the modified file as `modified.o`. Here’s what you’d do:

objcopy --rename-section .data=.rodata example.o modified.o

Run this command, and `objcopy` will take care of the rest.

The Side Effect: Filling Output with Zeros

As mentioned earlier, renaming `.data` to `.rodata` comes with a side effect: the output file will be filled with zeros. This is because the `.rodata` section is, by definition, read-only. When you rename `.data` to `.rodata`, `objcopy` will clear the contents of the section to ensure it remains read-only.

Here’s an example of what this might look like:

Before Renaming After Renaming
          .byte 0x01
          .byte 0x02
          .byte 0x03
          .byte 0x00
          .byte 0x00
          .byte 0x00

As you can see, the contents of the `.data` section have been replaced with zeros in the `.rodata` section.

Troubleshooting and Caveats

Rename `.data` to `.rodata` is not without its challenges. Here are some potential issues you might encounter:

  • Overlapping sections: If the `.data` and `.rodata` sections overlap, `objcopy` may not behave as expected. Make sure to check your object file layout before renaming sections.
  • Non-read-only data: If your `.data` section contains non-read-only data (e.g., variables that need to be modified during runtime), renaming it to `.rodata` will render the data unusable.
  • Incompatible tools: Some tools, such as linkers or assemblers, may not support `.rodata` sections. Be sure to check compatibility before renaming sections.


Rename `.data` to `.rodata` using `objcopy` is a powerful technique for optimizing your code’s memory layout and improving security. However, it comes with a side effect – filling the output with zeros. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to taking control of your code’s memory layout. Just remember to be mindful of the potential caveats and troubleshotting issues.

Happy coding!

Additional Resources:

Keyword: renaming .data to .rodata using objcopy fills output with zeros

Frequently Asked Question

Ever wondered why renaming .data to .rodata using objcopy fills the output with zeros? We’ve got you covered!

What’s the reason behind objcopy filling the output with zeros when renaming .data to .rodata?

When you use objcopy to rename .data to .rodata, it’s essentially creating a new section header for the existing data. However, since .rodata sections are required to be read-only, objcopy initializes the new section with zeros, filling the output with zeros. This is because .rodata sections are meant to contain immutable data, and initialising it with the original data would defeat the purpose.

Is there a way to preserve the original data when renaming .data to .rodata using objcopy?

Unfortunately, objcopy doesn’t provide a direct way to preserve the original data when renaming .data to .rodata. However, you can use a combination of objcopy and other tools, such as objdump and sed, to extract the original data and then create a new file with the renamed section. But beware, this approach can be cumbersome and prone to errors.

Why does objcopy initialize .rodata sections with zeros?

Objcopy initializes .rodata sections with zeros to ensure that the data in the section is truly read-only. By doing so, it prevents any potential modifications to the data, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of the code. This is particularly important in embedded systems or other environments where data corruption can have severe consequences.

Can I use any other tools to rename .data to .rodata without filling the output with zeros?

While objcopy is a popular choice for renaming sections, you can also use other tools like ELF editor (elfedit) or the GNU Debugger (gdb) to achieve the same result. However, be aware that these tools might have different behaviors and limitations compared to objcopy. Always consult the documentation and test thoroughly before using them in production.

What are the implications of filling .rodata sections with zeros on the performance of my application?

In most cases, filling .rodata sections with zeros won’t have a significant impact on the performance of your application. However, if your application relies heavily on the original data in the .data section, you might experience performance degradation or incorrect behavior due to the loss of data. Always test your application thoroughly after making changes to the section headers to ensure it operates as expected.

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