BeforeEnter Navigation Guard Not Triggering When Router.Push() Is Called on the Same Route: A Comprehensive Guide to Solving This Annoying Issue
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BeforeEnter Navigation Guard Not Triggering When Router.Push() Is Called on the Same Route: A Comprehensive Guide to Solving This Annoying Issue

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Ah, the joys of Vue Router! It’s an amazing tool that makes client-side routing a breeze. But, like all good things, it’s not immune to some pesky issues. One of the most frustrating ones is when the beforeEnter navigation guard refuses to trigger when router.push() is called on the same route. It’s like, “Hey, I’m trying to navigate to the same route, and you’re just ignoring me?!

What’s the Problem Again?

So, you’ve set up your Vue Router with a navigation guard, and it works like a charm when you navigate to a different route. But, when you try to navigate to the same route using router.push(), the beforeEnter guard just doesn’t trigger. You’re left wondering, “Did I do something wrong? Is this a bug? Am I going crazy?”

Why Does This Happen?

The reason for this behavior lies in how Vue Router handles route navigation. When you call router.push() on the same route, Vue Router doesn’t actually perform a full navigation. Instead, it simply updates the route parameters and query strings, if necessary. This optimization is great for performance, but it means that the beforeEnter navigation guard isn’t triggered, as it’s not a full navigation event.

Solving the Problem: The Workarounds

Fear not, dear developer! There are a few workarounds to get around this issue. Choose the one that best fits your use case:

1. Using the beforeResolve Navigation Guard

One way to solve this problem is to use the beforeResolve navigation guard instead of beforeEnter. beforeResolve is triggered after the route is resolved, but before the navigation is confirmed. This means it will be triggered even when navigating to the same route.

const router = new VueRouter({
  routes: [
      path: '/users/:id',
      component: Users,
      beforeResolve(to, from, next) {
        // This will be triggered even when navigating to the same route
        console.log('beforeResolve triggered!');

2. Using a Route Meta Field

Another approach is to use a route meta field to store some information that you can check in your navigation guard. When you call router.push() on the same route, you can update the meta field, which will then be checked in the navigation guard.

const router = new VueRouter({
  routes: [
      path: '/users/:id',
      component: Users,
      meta: { updatedAt: null },
      beforeEnter(to, from, next) {
        if (to.meta.updatedAt !== from.meta.updatedAt) {
          // This will be triggered even when navigating to the same route
          console.log('beforeEnter triggered!');
        } else {

// When calling router.push() on the same route
router.push({ path: '/users/1', meta: { updatedAt: new Date().getTime() } })

3. Using a Custom Navigation Guard Function

The third option is to create a custom navigation guard function that you can call manually when navigating to the same route.

function checkBeforeEnter(to, from) {
  // Your custom logic here
  console.log('Custom navigation guard triggered!');
  return true;

const router = new VueRouter({
  routes: [
      path: '/users/:id',
      component: Users,
      beforeEnter(to, from, next) {
        if (to.path === from.path) {
          // Call the custom navigation guard function
          if (checkBeforeEnter(to, from)) {
          } else {
        } else {

// When calling router.push() on the same route
checkBeforeEnter(router.currentRoute, router.currentRoute)


And there you have it! With these workarounds, you should be able to get your beforeEnter navigation guard to trigger even when calling router.push() on the same route. Remember, Vue Router is a powerful tool, and with a little creativity, you can overcome its quirks.

Workaround Pros Cons
Using beforeResolve Easy to implement, works for most cases May not work for complex navigation scenarios
Using a Route Meta Field Flexible, allows for custom logic Requires additional setup, may be overkill for simple cases
Using a Custom Navigation Guard Function Ultimate flexibility, can be used for complex scenarios Requires manual calls, may be error-prone if not implemented correctly

So, which workaround will you choose? Whichever one you select, make sure to test it thoroughly to ensure it works as expected in your application.

  1. Debug your code thoroughly to ensure that the navigation guard is being triggered correctly.
  2. Test your application with different navigation scenarios to ensure that the workaround works as expected.
  3. Consider using a combination of workarounds to cover all possible scenarios.

Happy coding, and don’t let those navigation guards get the best of you!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common questions about the infamous “beforeEnter navigation guard not triggering when router.push() is called on the same route” issue!

Why isn’t the beforeEnter navigation guard triggered when I call router.push() on the same route?

When you call router.push() on the same route, Vue Router doesn’t trigger the beforeEnter navigation guard because it’s optimized to skip unnecessary navigation guards when the route doesn’t change. This behavior is by design to improve performance.

Is there a way to force the beforeEnter navigation guard to trigger even when calling router.push() on the same route?

Yes, you can use the router.replace() method instead of router.push() to force the navigation guard to trigger. However, keep in mind that this method will replace the current entry in the browser’s history, so use it wisely!

Can I use a different navigation guard, like beforeRouteUpdate, to achieve the desired behavior?

You bet! The beforeRouteUpdate navigation guard is triggered whenever the route changes, including when the same route is navigated to again. This guard can be used to achieve similar behavior to beforeEnter, but keep in mind that it has a different purpose and might affect your app’s logic.

Are there any workarounds to make the beforeEnter navigation guard trigger on the same route without using router.replace()?

One workaround is to add a unique query parameter to the route when calling router.push() on the same route. This will trick Vue Router into thinking it’s a new route, and the beforeEnter navigation guard will be triggered. Just be sure to remove the query parameter when you’re done!

What’s the best approach to handle complex navigation scenarios in Vue Router?

The best approach is to carefully plan your app’s navigation flow and consider using a combination of navigation guards, like beforeEnter, beforeRouteUpdate, and afterEach, to achieve the desired behavior. Additionally, leveraging Vue Router’s built-in features, such as route meta fields and navigation actions, can help simplify complex navigation scenarios.

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